Monday, December 20, 2010

Invest For Future

Investment is part of your financial planning as long as for your future, your family and your children fate. When you have some amount of savings, you sure want to increase it. They suitable way to make it come true is to invest them to maximize your return. But when there's a way, there also have the risk to be taken. With my blog, i will go through roughly some guidance on the factors to consider before investing as well as the do's and don'ts when investing.

Before i finish my first post, i want to explain about the different between investment and savings. Investment differs from savings in term of the risk. In savings, you will generally get back your savings, plus some interest. However, in an investment, you may or may not get back the sum invested or you may get much more than the initial amount invested. The potentially higher return is to compensate you for the higher risks undertaken by you.

That surely a HIGH RISK!!!

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